The Queerness Doesn't Matter:  A journey with my friends of Dorothy
by Tom Casalini, Portrait Photographer
The Queerness Doesn't Matter Book cover
“You have some queer friends, Dorothy,” she said. “The queerness doesn’t matter, so long as they’re friends,” was the answer.  The Road to Oz, by L. Frank Baum, 1904

This book, “The Queerness Doesn’t Matter,” by photographer TOM CASALINI was developed in collaboration with writer Marti Healy, creative director Barry Doss, and audio producer Jason Smith. It is a gallery-quality, lavishly produced 96-page coffee table edition, measuring 12 inches by 12 inches, featuring stunning black and white portrait photography.

The book is available for purchase directly from the photographer on this site for a cover price of $45.00 plus shipping and handling, and through select retail outlets.

TOM CASALINI is also an acclaimed speaker and presenter, and welcomes opportunities to relate his often poignant journey on the road to developing this significant book.
